On Thursday, June 4th, the Membership department hosted their second New Member Dinner of the year at The Great Waters Overlook. Ten couples attended the reception that were either new members of the club of Reynolds Lake Oconee or have recently moved into the community. As with each of the dinners, the new members got an opportunity to meet one another and learn a little more about the operational aspects of the Club.

Dinner consisted of a summer salad, a choice of French breast of chicken Florentine or pan roasted sock eyed salmon and baked Yukon potatoes. A chocolate mousse parfait served as a well-received dessert option for guests.

Several department heads attended to give an overview of their operational realm of the business, including Dave Neuhart (Director of Tennis), Jose Lopez (Head Professional at Great Waters), John Shea (Director of Restaurant Services), Tim Hong (CFO, Accounting), Charlie Vaughn (Director of Marina Operations) and Reynolds Lake Oconee president, Rabun Neal. A special raffle was held throughout the evening with prizes donated by each of the departments represented.

“It was a great evening and everyone stayed after the dinner to get to know one another more and ask specific questions to the management staff,” said Erin Vaughn, membership coordinator for Reynolds Lake Oconee. “This dinner is a nice, casual way for new members to meet new friends and neighbors. It’s always great to have so many departments represented to help members put a face to a name and better understand the details for how the Club functions.”

The New Member Dinner occurs three times a year and welcomes up to 40 members. The dinner rotates among various locations that include The Lake Club, The Landing, Plantation, and Great Waters.

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